I remember my grandmother saying many times, “What is the world coming to?” She would say this when she heard about someone acting so despicable, committed some act that was inexcusable or when some avoidable tragedy occurred.
My grandmother has been gone for 33 years and now, that I’m getting into my “golden years”, I ask the same question quite a bit.
What is the world coming to?
We’re seeing so much hatred and mistrust, it’s not safe to go out anymore. Are we ever going to get to the point we don’t want to hurt or even kill each other over petty differences again? As long as we have these rich, power obsessed billionaires continually dividing us for their own selfish gains, I don’t think there’s much hope left.
When we live in a world where it’s not safe to go to the movies, restaurants, concerts or even just going to the damn grocery store, and if things don’t change, the more secure life we once knew will never be again.
Another reason why I left all social media; I was tired of the hateful vitriol and with rich assholes like Elon Musk turning the former Twitter into a MAGA-shitpile. Of course I cancelled my Twitter account in December 2020 when the MAGA-zombies were using it to organize the insurrection of January 6, 2021. Mark Zuckerberg, who is now ok with letting misinformation fly on Facebook unchecked, is not much better in my opinion.
It’s all about money and power, simple as that. These billionaires don’t care who they have to “run over” in order to gain more power and wealth.
I believe the best answer is to quit subscribing to their services and buying their products. I, for one, will never buy anything from Meta. Of course I would never buy anything from Elon Musk’s companies either.
Let’s not forget seditious traitors like Donald Trump wanting to destroy democracy and pardon himself for all his criminal activities if he somehow manages to slime his way back into the White House.
I never understood this mentality to “burn down the house” if some rich bastard doesn’t get a “toy” they wanted. It’s childish and it’s dangerous.
It will be the middle class and the poor to pick up the pieces if any pieces are left when the shit hits the fan.