My heart really goes out to the displaced and dead due to the horrific fire in Maui, Hawaii. I especially feel for the ones who’ve lost their elderly family members and children. Disasters always prey on the extremely vulnerable.
I always tend to side with the vulnerable and powerless. The elderly deal with medical conditions that come with age and the kids are just trying to get started in life. They both need all the help they can get.
I had to choke back tears seeing people on TV worrying about if their parents or grandparents are still alive and where they were if they did make it through.
Then there was the story where a man tried to use his body to protect a golden retriever dog. Both died.
I shake my head at ones who still deny climate change. What more will it take to convince these nutjobs? Even if their own homes burn to the ground, climate change deniers will continue denying. It’s insane.
All we can do is hope as many people as possible survived and feel for the ones who lost their loved ones.
I know from my own experience when Miss Mama was extremely ill, and we had some touch and go times over the past five years, I damn near worried myself sick. That kind of worry goes straight to the heart.
I don’t do religions anymore but this is a time to say a little prayer. Praying for something beyond your control is what one should pray for in my opinion.