I remember those Summer Saturday nights back in my youth of the 1980s. I waited all week long so I could go out amongst my friends and, with these friends, basically partied our asses off.
Now that I’m sixty years old, those days seem so simple and so long ago. These days on a Saturday night I lazy around the house watching TV, usually some old movie on Turner Classic Movies. Of course a lot of the old movies they show were ones I went to the theater to see when they first came out.
You know you’re getting old when movies from your youth are tonight’s feature on TCM.
Most of those guys are long gone now, either moved away or ended up in their caskets or urns before the beginning of 1990. It’s a shame they couldn’t all be here still. I still think about them often. When you’re young, you think the good times will last forever but it’s with the passing of time one realizes just how short and temporary it all was.
Sometimes I think I’d like to go out and carry on all night long like I used to but my poor body says, “You’re not going to do nothin’ except fall asleep in front of the TV by 9:30.”